“Tayron” L.T.D. provides professional services in:
- the optimization of customs processing schemes for your goods;
- the preliminary efficiency value engineering of a foreign economic transaction to be made jointly with you;
- a monitoring support for holding negotiations with your partners;
- the customs processing of associated foreign trade documents for freights, goods, carrier vehicles;
- the accreditation (registration) of foreign trade agents in customs authorities;
- a complete processing of Cargo Customs Declarations on Blank Forms ÌÄ-2, ÌÄ-3, ÌÄ-6 in the procedures: export, import, through traffic, coming-in/out of physical assets;
- the interpretation of goods according to the Unified Foreign Trade Nomenclature of Goods;
- customs settlements and payments monitoring ðàñ÷åò;
- the preparation and completion of shipping documentation;
- the drawing-up of foreign trade contracts;
- consulting on foreign economic activities;
- consulting on customs legislation;
- assistance with permissive documentation;
- any associated support;
We carry out flexible financial policies respecting the interests of our customers.
Co-operation with our company is an assurance of legal validity, reliability, legality, promptness and quality of customs processing for your deliveries!